Job Olympics is a one day event sponsored by:
The Johnson County Transition Council
Johnson County Community College
Hy-Vee 87th & Pflumm, Lenexa
Lakemary Center
And the participating School Districts
What is Job Olympics?
Job Olympics is students with special needs showcasing their employability skills.
Job Olympics is:
350 students from 23 high schools in the area competing in their choice of 4 of 26 competitions.
How the day looks:
8:00-10:30 - competition time
10:30-11:30 - General Assembly with guest speaker and student introduction of teams
11:30-12:15 - lunch
12:15-1:30 - Awards Assembly
Who's involved?
In addition to the students who will be competing at Job Olympics, many other people are needed to make the day a success.
Committee members who work throughout the year to make all aspects of the of the day run smoothly. We meet once a month until the last 2 months, and then we meet twice a month.
Classroom teachers work with the students for months prior to the competition so they know how to do the required activites.
Event Captains who are in charge of each event including getting all necessary materials, training the judges at their events, and running the event on competition day.
Facility Needs:
A large enough facility to have multiple classrooms (about 15) that can be used for competition
A large meeting hall (we use Yardley Hall at JCCC that seats 700)
A large enough space for lunch
Money Needs:
Biggest expense is ribbons and medals
Each of the participating school districts provid funding - $150 for the large districts and $50 for the small districts.
Each student pays a $5.00 registration fee
Budget of $1,200-$1,500
Awards Assembly
The students compete by grade level 9-12.
The top 3 students in each level for each competition are given medals - places 4-10 recieve ribbons.
Team trophies are awarded to the top 3 teams in each of 3 divisions, determined by umber of students competitors from each school.
Send out press releases to all local newspapers and TV stations.
Get information out to the participating high school news papers.
Involve community organization and publicize through their newsletters.
please contact Beverly Silvers via email if you have more questions.