One part of the "A Park for All" case statement is to be quotes of support from those that might use this type of park or would have used it if they had had access to such a park.  This case statement is what will be used to present our case to those we identy as "having interest and capacity (money)." 

Not all of you know that we are looking to raise 1.5-2 million dollars to build this park and to have an endowment which will ensure that the park will not wear out in 10 years.  Johnson County has donated the land and the City of Mission has agreed to maintain it; the A Park for All Board wants to besure that when "A Park for All" is completed, it will be for future generations.  One of the features of this park will be a playground which will have landscaping and fencing, so that parents/care givers of autistic children will be able to give these children more freedom.  As we get closer to final design we will be having some focus groups look at the plans to make sure we have not missed something.  We want this to truly be "A Park for All".

If you would email me a short statement and allow us to use it in our case statement, I would appreciate it.  Please forward this to anyone that you feel might be interested in our project.  If anyone would like more information please feel free to call me or email me.

Thanks so much for your help

Jean Porter


A Park for All, Inc.


913-993-7045 (W)

913-236-5019 (H)