Outstanding Opportunities | Finding Solutions ConferenceNov. 6, 2010 Wichita Featuring Micah Fialka-Feldman Micah will share his inspirational story on his fight to go through the same door throughout his entire academic life--college included. Family Employment Awareness Training (FEAT) SPACE IS LIMITED Topeka Nov. 13 Hays Nov. 20 These are outstanding training opportunities for individuals with disabilities,their family members and service providers to increase awareness of employment options and Kansas' resources. www.familiestogetherinc.org See contact information below.*
Your Thoughts? | Families Together Inc. is a partner in the Technical Assistance System Network also known as TASN. TASN is a coordinated system of technical assistance (TA) that is designed to improve Kansas special education data. The goal is to effectively support districts to improve student outcomes. As part of TASN, Families Together, Inc. is doing research to find resources that will be helpful to students and their parents. Families Together, Inc. needs your help in doing this. We have found many web sites that provide assistance in math and reading, but we need to know if these web sites are really helpful. We will post a web site on the Monday memo each week and would like for your child and family to try the web site out and then send feedback to teresa@familiestogetherinc.org or german@familiestogetherinc.org and let us know what you think. Your input is very vital to this project. Thanks! This week's website is: http://mathplayground.com/games.html |
Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention | For information on Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention you may want to check out. Subscribe to the Nurturing Families E-Newsletter |
Genetic & Newborn Screening | National Coordinating Center (NCC) for the Genetic and Newborn Screening Services Collaboratives (RCs) has articles highlighting the theme of mitigating health disparities by addressing the needs of special populations and communities. http://www.acmg.net/Current.pdf | |
Conference | Write On, Right Now Featuring Dr. Carolynn Musslewhite December 7th & 8th, 2010 For Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities Emergent Writing Early Conventional Writing Wichita, Kansas Courtyard Marriott in Old Town http://events.ksde.org/ses $50.00 Registration Fee |
KYEA Needs Feedback | KYEA Conducting Survey on Needs of Youth with Disabilities in Kansas Feedback Needed from Agencies and Parents This is your chance to advocate. http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=3ce8a473-75b3-4857-b3b9-a5bfc9652e7b Completed by November 4, 2010 | 
Families Together, Inc. Topeka Center (785) 233-4777 or (800) 264-6343 Garden City Center (620) 276-6364or (888) 820-6364 Kansas City Center (913) 287-1970 or (877) 499-5369 Wichita Center (316) 945-7747 or (888) 815-6364 Statewide Spanish parent line (800) 499-9443 Wichita Administrative Center (316) 945-7747 or (888) 815-6364 (All toll free numbers for Kansas parents & education advocates) www.familiestogetherinc.org | | | | Who Are We? | Families Together, Inc. is the statewide organization that assists parents and their sons and daughters with disabilities. Our program's missions is to encourage, educate, and empower families to be effective advocates for their own children. Families Together, Inc. is dedicated to a society that includes and values all people. We offer families the security of belonging to a support network of other parents that face similar goals, challenges and needs. | |
Statewide Conferences |
Finding Solutions Conference Nov. 6, 2010 More Information Together We Can Learn Feb. 26, 2011 More Information | |
Education Advocate Training | | Kansas City Nov. 9, 2010 |
Families Together Events* | A Time To Learn Mini-Conference Atchison Nov. 6, 2010 TEC Conference (Behavior) Topeka Dec 4, 2010 TEC Conference Pittsburg Jan 29, 2011 Family Enrichment Weekend Great Bend Feb 11-12, 2011 TEC Conference Wichita Mar 12, 2011 TEC Conference Garden City Apr 2, 2011 Family Enrichment Weekend Topeka April 8-9, 2011 *see contact information below | |
Join Us for Dinner! | Tuesday, Nov. 9 Chili's, 10520 W. Central, Wichita starting at 5pm Wednesday, Nov.10 Chili's, 7887 E. Central, Wichita starting at 5pm *Let your server know that you are supporting Families Together and 10% of your check will benefit us! | | | |